Smart Movie Bot – Azure OpenAI Function Calling

 1,051 total views,  1 views today

 1,051 total views,  1 views today

截圖 2023-11-28 下午8.57.45

Hello LLM Bot – Azure OpenAI

 2,014 total views,  2 views today

 2,014 total views,  2 views today

截圖 2023-11-10 下午10.14.32

Azure CLU – SmartHome Bot – Python

 1,282 total views,  1 views today

 1,282 total views,  1 views today

截圖 2023-11-03 下午4.40.26

Azure Language Service – Text to Speech(Python)

 1,897 total views,  1 views today

 1,897 total views,  1 views today

截圖 2023-10-28 下午10.22.06

Hotel Review Bot – Azure Sentiment Analysis (Python)

 2,556 total views,  2 views today

 2,556 total views,  2 views today

截圖 2023-10-27 下午1.14.37

English Story Teller by Prompt Flow in VS Code

 626 total views,  1 views today

 626 total views,  1 views today

截圖 2023-10-08 下午10.46.06

Python Flask Development in VS Code

 3,939 total views,  6 views today

 3,939 total views,  6 views today

截圖 2023-09-30 上午10.44.30

Intro to Azure AI | Document Intelligence Studio

 560 total views,  1 views today

 560 total views,  1 views today

截圖 2023-09-22 下午8.37.15